Celebrating the Holidays 100 Years Ago in Champaign County, Illinois

Image by Vincent Ciro from Pixabay This Christmas blog post is two weeks too late! I thought this might make a good article for a quarterly, but here it is instead on my own blog. Try to catch whatever remains of the Christmas spirit in the air and enjoy! Do you ever wonder what theContinue reading “Celebrating the Holidays 100 Years Ago in Champaign County, Illinois”


DAVID RUMSEY AND HIS MAPS I love maps. All kinds of maps. Old maps from the days of “terra incognita” to modern-day Google street view maps. The calendar I used last year showed pictures of medieval and renaissance maps and I have a box (somewhere!) full of old gas station maps of various states withContinue reading “WEBSITE WEDNESDAY”


Election Eve on November 4th, 1952, Urbana, Illinois.  My mom’s favorite meal is coming out of the Magic Chef oven – pork chops with dressing.  My mom wasn’t able to be here for this meal so Grandpa snapped a picture of Grandma to send to her.  My grandparents would have been happy with the resultsContinue reading “EISENHOWER, PORK CHOPS, AND GRANDMA”

Can Anybody Choose Just One?

Do people really have ONE favorite photo?  One and only one?  I am participating in Amy Johnson Crow’s 52 Ancestors challenge and this week the challenge is rough – pick ONE favorite photo. Should I pick one of a beautiful landscape from a vacation, the sunrise coming over the foothills as seen from my backContinue reading “Can Anybody Choose Just One?”